Incoming students and incoming staff are provided upon arrival in the country a Macedonian language course with a duration of two weeks or 75 classes (amounting to 3 ECTS). The Military Academy organizes and conducts a number of cultural activities such as: visit to the Faculty of Philology, Department of Macedonian Language and Literature and the Department of Slavic Languages, and the Institute of Macedonian Language in order to familiarize the incoming students (cadets) and incoming staff with the Macedonian language and culture. As part of the regular learning of the Macedonian language and culture, the Academy also organizes visits of the most important cultural institutions, such as museums, and a number of trips to natural and cultural centers of the country. The appointed personnel from the Military Academy in charge of coordination and assistance of the incoming students (cadets) and incoming staff also provide the opportunity of greater immersion and socialization of the incoming students and incoming staff.
The Military Academy assigns a great value to the opportunity of receiving guest lecturers in terms of staff mobility and provides the incoming teaching staff with all the necessary technical and other means for the fulfillment of their engagement. All materials and lectures are published promptly upon the given lectures and other activities on the official website of the Military Academy, whereas the incoming teaching staff is awarded a certificate of appreciation and a letter of appreciation is submitted to the sending institutions, citing the evaluation provided by the attending students (cadets). The incoming teaching staff is going to be closely collaborating with the Academy staff and shall be integrated in all the stages of teaching realization, planning, execution and evaluation and the joint implementation of modern teaching methods and practices. Incoming teaching staff will be provided to conduct joint teaching activities with the Academy professors. The accommodation is provided in the Military Academy building assigned for this purpose and upon the beginning of the engagement, the incoming staff will be provided with a welcome package with all the necessary information on their stay in the Republic of Macedonia.